Happy Halloween

Hi all you people who still manage to read my occasional posts here. I have been away due to a hard drive that failed on my now, former computer. I ordered a new computer and my husband ordered a new hard drive for my old computer which is now in the hands of my daughter. She has been playing games and I have been recovering music and photos from my backup. I didn’t back up my email though so that got purged. I’m not that upset though because I find things like this to naturally clean up old files. It also taught me that having an outside backup service is totally the way to go. My recovery of files was relatively easy though it took over a day to download everything. Fortunately I was able to get a loaner machine from work and I still have to turn that back in but will have to set my home laptop again for remote work. Ah the joy of 2020.

My daughter’s school right now looks to hopefully go back after the New Year. I’m glad that they aren’t going back before because it helps me to feel safer about seeing my Mom over the holidays. She has continued to be locked up since her birthday in July. My brother and his family will rent a place for the week of Thanksgiving and then bring my Mom over. We have all been pretty strict and the kids have not been in school, so hopefully all will go well. Christmas will be extra small this year with just us and Mom, but I’m hoping Mom will stay with us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

My in-laws are staying in NY. They have been taking a bus to go gambling in Atlantic City. I think they are nuts, but it is their choice. Grateful we don’t have to worry about them on a plane or interacting with Mom.

Halloween is going to be a socially distanced out door movie at a friend’s house who is in our bubble. Our daughters play together twice a week as they are both only children. There will be one other family of three there as well so hopefully it is uneventful.

My husband and I voted a couple of weeks ago so we will be curious to see how things go Tuesday. Fingers crossed it is a clear outcome and our country can move forward. I don’t expect the next few months to be too easy though whatever the outcome.

Hoping the numbers continue going down in our area. Our county is actually doing pretty well, but we still don’t really go anywhere. Things will probably get more interesting in the new year as schools open up. We shall see.

Hope everyone out there is okay. I’ll write more later. Meanwhile drop a line to let me know what is going on in your life!

Be well!!

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