Coronovirus – March 2020

So I haven’t written in awhile. I got a job again in November of 2018 which had me busy. That had been going along nicely for awhile until last week. I had stress for a job like any other place but then the Coronovirus finally hit the US and the SF Bay Area. It went on for about a week until March 19th when we were told to “shelter in place”. I work at a small liberal arts college who had already started going online and this pretty much sealed that deal. I was not a critical worker so I could work from home. This was a relief because my daughter was already out of school doing class online, and my husband was working from home 100% after already working from home 60% of the time prior to this. Like everyone, we have had to adjust, but consider ourselves pretty lucky. We live in a split level. Everyone has their own work space. My daughter is upstairs in the office on the top floor. My husband is set up in the dining room on our main floor and I’m downstairs in our family room.

My husband is used to working from home and has a system down so had the least amount of time to ramp up. My daughter, who is 10, got a Chromebook from her school and in her first week was so on task it was quite remarkable. I on the other hand get easily distracted at home and find my usual spreadsheet type work a bit challenging on a smaller laptop screen. I did okay last week but was probably the least productive of the three of us. I’m hoping that changes a bit in the coming week. I also hope I start writing more if only for my own sanity. We shall see if anyone else finds this journey remotely interesting. Fingers crossed no major issues arise for us though, like any family, I’m sure we will have our challenges.

I am somewhat responsible for two other people in my life. My 95 year old mother who is in remarkably good health for her age, but whose vision has deteriorated significantly in the last three months. I also have a 90 year old Aunt who I check in on and help manage her finances. She has Alzheimer’s and currently lives in a board and care near us. Both of the facilities where my Mom and Aunt live are “locked down” not allowing non-medical visitors. These two will definitely be part of my story in the coming weeks. I pray they stay healthy as I realize they don’t have a ton of time left in this world, but I don’t want them to have to leave it alone.

So I hope you will follow. Feel free to share your story in the comments. I look forward to sharing this journey with others. Stay safe and well all.

2 thoughts on “Coronovirus – March 2020”

  1. This is so amazing Anne and fun to read. Don’t forget to add that you have been RUNNING ‍♀️❤️
    So proud of you!!!

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