So my iWatch decided to call 911 today while I was working out. Not sure if I was panting to loudly from over-exertion or if I just hit some button wrong. I don’t tend to wear my reading glasses when doing my workout you see. That was part of the problem I think. After all trying to do a push-press back to a modified plank was challenging enough. But my wrist bent in such a way that it hit the crown of the watch and I was just trying to get my heart rate really. You know to make sure I was still alive. Of course, maybe I’m not giving the watch or Siri enough credit. Maybe it realized between my groans and excessive heart rate that I was truly in distress. I mean it isn’t like I look in shape. I’ll admit I could lose a few pounds and like food way too much. Part of the reason I work out is so that I have a fighting chance at having a burger on occasion. The other is just to keep me sane and not to kill those close to me that I love. I can get my frustrations out in the gym and I really do feel better afterward. But this, during a partner workout, was a bit anxiety provoking to say the least. Once my watch was talking at me “911 what is your emergency” with Eminem blaring in the background, it was the best I could do to say “Um sorry! I misdialed.” Well actually my watch mis-dialed, but I wasn’t about to get into the particulars as I’m sure the woman on the other end of the phone had more important things to deal with. Needless to say, I don’t think my calorie count was quite accurate at the end of the workout.