Been long time…

Finally getting back to writing after a drought.  I had started working in October at my daughter’s school as an aide for the 5th grade.  I loved the work, but I think one makes more money in fast food so I needed to find something that paid a bit better.  The day after I accepted the job I got a call from a local liberal arts college about a position I had applied for.  Two weeks after starting at my daughter’s school I was starting another new job.

Having not worked for two years, it has taken a while to get back into the groove.  The job at her school was a good transition to getting back to a 40 hour work week.  I truly love my new job.  It is with a small Catholic college in a Liberal area.  I’m getting used to saying prayers at meetings, which having worked in the San Francisco Bay Area, is something I have NEVER done.  It is nice though.  The environment is supportive.  I suppose it helps that I’m Catholic but I see other faiths embraced as well.

So now that I’ve been at this job for two months, survived the holidays, and am feeling a bit more organized, I’m finding myself missing a few things.  Time for myself is number 1.  My husband is a huge help in getting our daughter to and from school.  He is able to work from home 3 of the 5 weekdays and handles pick up and drop off on those days.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days.  Of course, I generally make lunches and dinner while he is good about making beds and cleaning around the house.  I’m very fortunate that way.

Still, I try to work out during the week.  The only time I can swing that is 5:00 AM which means I get up at 4:30 AM.  Going from exercising at 9:00 AM to 5:00 AM has been challenging.  I get to work out 2-3 times during the week currently, but would like to get that up to 3-4.  When I wasn’t working I was going 5-6 times a week.  I figure if I can work out on Saturdays and 3-4 times during a regular week I’m in good shape.  But I have to get my sleep. I do like to sleep though, but to make these workouts I try to be in bed by 9:00 PM. One day recently I had too much caffeine and wasn’t able to sleep at all.  I had planned to work out, then when I realized I wasn’t falling asleep canceled my workout at midnight.  At 4:00 AM when I realized I still hadn’t slept I decided to work out anyway. Afterward, I had a quick shower, breakfast and 45-minute nap before I ran out to work that morning.  Not really sure how I managed to get through the day but that night, I slept like a baby.  This is why I have to stay away from caffeine.

So now we have a new year which always gives me a chance to reflect.  I’ve had many close to me lose loved ones in the last couple of months.  A mother, a husband, a father.  It has made me reflect on the many blessings I have in my own life.  My family, my friends, my new job, even the support at the amazing gym I belong to. I want to do things to encourage and support this joy in my life.  I need to carve out time like I have today, to write, read, and recharge.  I find I’m quite the introvert and do my best recharging alone.  I have a hard time reaching out but am taking steps in the new year to do that with certain things in my life.  I may write about them and I may not.  Time will tell.  But I do see the many blessings I have.  I am grateful for all of them and hope to share more in the coming months.

I hope 2019 is a better year for all.  I hope our country looks to be more compassionate to those trying to make a new life as it has in the past.  I hope those in leadership positions will find wisdom and embrace empathy.  I hope I can be part of the solution in this world to spread that empathy and wisdom.

Enjoy the journey.  Love and be loved.  Find your bliss.  Peace.

I’m running out of free passes.

In our current news cycle, I can’t keep up.  I’ve been burning through my free Washington Post and New York Times online passes.  I’ve even been burning through my data minutes on my phone while I interview or go out to training or meeting to network. So much information in the world with what seems to be very little results.  Machines grind forward doing business or government as usual.  My little cog self, being ground up in the process.  I’m finally getting better at networking but short of having some brilliant piece of writing go viral, I’m just hammering away at the system.  The process of looking for work, of being a parent, of trying to stay engaged and learn new things, of staying on top of the news cycle, of helping my aged aunt and mom.  The machine seems so large today.  I try to participate. I try to make a difference in my own way, but so much seems futile.

But then a friend will say “thank you for your post” or “thank you for talking to me” or “thank you for sharing your experience”.  I’m chipping away at the machine in my own way.  I wish my “successes” were greater some days.  I wish they were more macro successes and not just micro.  But whatever the size they are successes.

It reminds me of  It’s a Wonderful Life.  The movie where George Bailey gets to experience what the world would have been like had he not been there to save his brother, to marry Mary, to keep the Building and Loan going.  It would be nice to have an angel grant all of us that sort of wish, but for now, I have to remember to just look at the eyes of friends who remind me why it is good I’m still here.  To know my Aunt and Mom are safe in Assisted Living.  That my daughter exists.  That maybe a word of kindness was what helped another today.  That sharing a silly story made someone laugh instead of cry.  I have to remember to say thank you too.  Thank you to those that say something.  We all have our struggles and now more than ever it is time to share our kindness and keep building on it.  Keep growing.  Move forward.  Hopefully one day soon, I can give someone else a free pass.

How do you unstick life?

My last post here was back in July before I went on vacation and before school started.  I had been struggling with faith which has happened at various times in my life.  Then we have the recent scandals, again, about sex abuse in the Catholic church.  A news item for some.  Business as usual for the truly cynical.  Add to this the onslaught of misbehavior both legal and more often illegal in our current administration in our daily, even hourly news cycle.  We have had fires, floods, the supposed great jobs reports while I saw the end of my second year of unemployment, and I have been feeling rather… stuck.

When inertia takes over a life you are desperately trying to move forward in a direction that you want to control, things can be challenging.  For an introvert like myself, I find it remarkably difficult not only to ask for help but to know how to ask for specific help.  For example, I don’t just want “a job”.  I could probably go to Starbucks and start fixing coffee for people tomorrow.  I want a job where I can use my prior skillset of organizing others, driving projects, keeping costs down and most importantly, doing something where I use my brain to write or create connections between people.  How does one put this into an “elevator speech” that I can pitch to the amorphous contacts I’m supposed to find?  How do I create the right words in a resume that will get it through a computer program that screens endless resumes and direct it to the right opportunity?  How do I stay upbeat?

Well, it is hard.  I have some in my life who keep recommending certain directions because it has worked for others they know.  I have those who tell me not to give up. I’m sure there are others that wonder why I haven’t gotten a job yet.  So I work out six out of seven days a week just to keep the endorphins going.  Thankfully I don’t drink, but I do still eat too much on occasion.  I figure that is just another chance to work out more.

There are those who support my writing.  The encouragement of this is one of the things I do treasure greatly.  When someone tells me they get what I wrote or understand, I feel like I’m not alone.  Still, I often dream of what do I need to write to trigger someone to say, you know you should contact X or have you thought of sending this to Y.  I know I should make my own dream to fill in those Xs and Ys, but when I am trying to just get through the day, that can be challenging again.  Enter someone to tell me to not give up hope… What else are they supposed to say?

And there I am.  Struggling to figure the next step.  A next step.  I have to turn off all the negative chatter in the world which my mind oddly gets pulled toward when I’m in this state.  I need to find a project that can help and make a difference and maybe even give me a working skill.  I send out another resume, to at least maybe get an interview so I can practice my message.  I’d really like to get paid for some of this but am reminded I have a loving family, a child I can help daily with homework.  I have a roof over my head and food on my table.  I have a husband who supports me through it all.  I’m in a helluva lot better shape than others out there, and for this, I am extremely grateful.  Grateful, but still stuck.

When faith is hard…

Recently in my community, I have discovered people who call themselves Catholic, who seem to have been brought up with a different belief of what Catholic means. I was raised Catholic.  My family always went to church on Sundays and I still do to this day.  There was a period of time in my 20s when I didn’t go.  But these days I have a family and there are certain beliefs that I learned in the Church that I would like to pass along to my child.

Being Catholic is not always what it is cracked up to be.  Many people look at me and wonder how I can follow a faith with so many men in leadership who have said women aren’t allowed in leadership roles.  However, I’m very aware that if all the women who work to keep the Church going, one day decided to step away, it would completely collapse.  So who really is in leadership?

I have been taught that the Church itself is the people who make it up.  Church means people.  Without the people, there is no church.  How we are those people is dictated by the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible.  At least this is how it is for Christians.  A quick history lesson here.  Jesus was Jewish. Those who didn’t believe Jesus was the Son of God stayed Jewish. His followers were Christian.  Catholics figure Jesus asked Peter to lead when he left this world.  Catholics see Peter as the first Pope.  Other Christian religions which traditionally were Protestant, were started when someone disagreed with what the Catholic Church taught and broke off to form their own group; Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc. These days many churches start with someone with a Bible and their interpretation.  Even other religions like Islam recognize Jesus, just not as “the savior”.  Some Eastern religions do not like Buddhism.  These faiths look more toward enlightenment vs. salvation.   Tomato, tomahto but we all have our beliefs so I am very much live and let live in this area.  But all of these faiths believe in some greater purpose or goal from this life.

In Christianity, many people don’t always like certain passages of the Bible.  They pick and choose.  However, to grow in any faith there is a similar line of thought.  In Christianity, the main rules are “Love God your father (i.e. God) before all others” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

Now some people like to say that this means my God is more important than your God.  I don’t see that written here. It just says, God.  It doesn’t say “my Old Guy with a Beard God”.  It doesn’t describe God.  It merely says love God before all others.  OK, I’ll get back to this in a second.  The second part says “Love your neighbor as yourself”.  It doesn’t say love your neighbor like a parent or a child or even a friend.  But love your neighbor as yourself.  To survive in this world we have to eat, work and hopefully love.  This is what God is, in essence, telling us to do for ourselves and our neighbor.  Would you put a roof over your head or would you choose to live on the street?  Would you feed yourself food out of the garbage?  Would you skip meals when you were hungry?  Would you run around in filthy clothes?  Would you choose to not bathe?

Some say God is this thing that is separate from us.  The guy on a throne with a beard.  I suspect people came to this conclusion long ago because Jesus would refer to his Father.  People at the time of Jesus knew his “father” as Joseph and his mother as Mary.  I suspect that Jesus used the term “father” due to the language of the time and the position of women at the time.  But God, from my teachings, doesn’t have gender.  It is neither male nor female.  It is neither drawn to a particular gender but to all.  From what I have learned growing up, I see God as light.  Light is all colors combined.  This is why I personally believe religion and science can coexist and guide one another.  Science has shown us how a rainbow of colors when brought together is the brightest light.  I believe this applies to us as human beings as well.  When we bring together people who look different, black, white, brown, yellow, red, pink, purple, chartreuse, we have balance and wholeness in our society.  When we limit a society to one color or even one belief we have an imbalance.  We miss the brightness that all together can bring.

God is this light.  God is present when we bring all these colors together.  This is why I see God as light.  A little piece of light we all carry around in each of us.  If we go out and share that light, it gets brighter.  If we try to box it in and limit it, it gets darker.

Now we are still human and we all make mistakes.  We get angry and feel hurt.  We think others are doing something to us or not doing something for us.  When we go to this place we are not treating ourselves as we would want to be treated.  We don’t love ourselves.  We let the darkness grow.  When we reach out though to others, ESPECIALLY those who are different than us, be it by beliefs, color, gender preferences, or even just who they are attracted to, we open ourselves to the light that is God.

Many “Christians” have forgotten the one rule that Jesus said was more important than any of the other Commandments.  They go back and look at the words that limited.  My God, is not a limiting God.  My God gives me the tools to do the best I can in this world.  How I use them is up to me.  I can use them to help or harm.  Expand or limit.  I can use them to raise someone up or keep them down.  But the tools I have been given need to be used to grow.  If they aren’t used for good, then they will not grow well.

It is frustrating to me when on social media I see people who are of the same faith but interpret things differently and often times in limiting ways.  It is hard to see past my own biases.  It is important today though to reach out to those who are different and look for the similarities.  There are always similarities, but I have to be willing to look for them.  Look for the similarities and let go of the rest.  From there, perhaps, we can heal the anger and grow to be more understanding and limitless.  You don’t have to agree, but somedays, you do have to listen.  Listen first.  If you don’t hear what you need, move on.  I will try to embrace this more myself.  Or as Mr. Rogers once said, “Look for the helpers.”  Or as another favorite writer, Anne Lamott, once said, “You can safely assume that you have created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”




Generally, I try to keep my posts positive.  The last one I actually posted was on May 31st.  That makes this post the first for June which is somewhat unusual for me.  The past almost 4 weeks have included the end of the school year, the beginning of summer camp, a dance recital, a job interview, various appointments and of course the daily barrage of crappy news media.  I suspect whatever your political alignment, it is exhausting.  I will freely admit I lean left.  Technically I’m Independent because I have issues with both parties.  These last couple of weeks though have really had me wondering where is the America I know.  My America is far from perfect.  It has its arguments but at least it has a government that represents all the people.  The current problem in our government is issues aren’t being brought to the floor of Congress to be addressed.  The other thing that is extremely distressing to me is the way we are treating people who have come to this country for a better life.  I’ll admit I am far from having all the answers.  There is so much information and sorting through it to get to the truth gets more and more challenging.  I don’t expect anyone to just throw open our borders and let everyone in.  I just don’t understand why we have to split people up who come here.

I think of my own relatives who came in the 1800s fleeing the famine in Ireland.  I think of my 9-year-old daughter and what lengths I would go to if a gang was trying to traffic her.  I think of how my father used to joke that he was “liberal” when he dated an Italian girl in the 1940s and here I married a man of Italian descent.  That hardly makes me liberal!  I think of visiting family who have complained in places where they say things like “why can’t they speak English?”  I wish I could speak another language.  If I moved somewhere where I had to speak a language other than English I would be so excited to have friends who also spoke my language.

I have a hard time understanding how people can be so myopic and not see themselves in the situations that so many of our ancestors struggled through at one time or another to get here.  I find it hard to celebrate the upcoming 4th of July with all of this.  It is hard to cheer on a country that I don’t recognize right now.  I miss having conversations with people I disagree with.  To learn more about why they feel the way they do.  People don’t look for the things in common these days.  They look for the differences.

I miss not having social media.  I’m grateful I didn’t have it growing up.  I like seeing posts online from friends I don’t see anymore, but I miss the fun of the early days where we shared pictures and restaurants not where the latest protest or town hall meeting will be.  Back when things were a bit… slower?  Where we had to read the paper to find out what the President had to say.  Where the news came on 2, maybe 3 times a day not every minute.

I miss waking up in the morning and not being afraid to find out who we have pissed off now.  I mean daily this is an issue.  Not once a week or month, but daily.

I’m far from perfect.  I found out a facility that turns out is holding 2 kids who have been separated from parents at the border, was in my hometown.  When I first found out I went on one of my newsgroups to see if others knew or if it was an office for an organization that allegedly is housing 50% of the refugees that have entered our country from the south.  When I found out kids lived there, who were probably going through one of the most traumatic experiences in their life, I felt like a jerk.  I had helped “out” this facility because of a name of a company.  Now I have to try to be more judicious with my posts because in today’s world anything can be a call to action and that isn’t always a good thing.

I’m exhausted.  I want to stick my head in the sand and have it all go away.  But this is my world, my country, my city.  I have to participate to get it back to what I know it can be.  A safe, welcoming place, that allows differences, but doesn’t use it against others.

End of the year mindfulness

For many, the school year is ending in the next couple of weeks.  I hear many parents on the playground talk about how wonderful it will be to have the kids home, not make lunches, and other dreams of vacation bliss.  I, on the other hand, am a bit freaked out.

I am a fan of the school year schedule.  Knowing what is happening with my child from day to day.  As I am still working on various projects and not in your typical 8-5 type job, I also enjoy knowing that we have a schedule down.  The summertime presents the need for camps which includes spending more money.  That would be fine but you discover when you have children that camps can be one day, half a day, halftime for a week, full time for 4 out of 5 weekdays, etc.  School is 8-3, generally with on-site aftercare when needed.  Camp, well you don’t want your kid to look back on summertime and say, “that was the year my parent’s abandoned me in that horrid summer program”. Parents want their kid to be happy but would prefer not going completely broke in the process.

This summer we have come up with a variety of options.  We have our week away scheduled, we have the majority of time covered.  A few half-day camps, most full day camps with a smattering of dance camps (i.e. one-hour classes scheduled twice a week for a month). If you work, as many parents do, and you want this sort of variety, you hopefully have a flexible employer who perhaps allows you to work from home.  Otherwise, you might need a chauffeur for the underaged child to get from activity to activity.  Fortunately, parents, mostly Mom’s, have created a network to share this challenge.

It would be wonderful to find a way to quantify these skills in the real world.  For example, “coordinated multiple and conflicting events for the client (child) including budgeting, transport, and meals.”  This is something I did when working in film but that sounded much more interesting than the role I have now.

Meanwhile, I applied to use some of my mindfulness training of recent years managing two elder-care and one child, to a real-world application.  Luminosity is looking for someone to do a guided meditation.  Ultimately it will come down to whether someone likes my actual voice and pacing.  I’m hoping my audition actually gets heard.  I mean how novel to use tools I’ve learned in life and actually get paid for passing them along.

Like writing though, I won’t hold my breath.  But if anyone out there has an in, let me know.  Meanwhile, as the school year winds down, listen to the soothing gyration of the washing machine.  The water twisting back and forth, like waves, lapping on the shore of the beach.  Your breathing in time with the lapping, tapping the keyboard. You find mindfulness where you can sometimes.

Even people-pleasers have limits

I can be a little overly empathetic to a fault.  I’ll see a look in someone’s eye and think something may be a bit off.  I also have a bad habit of wanting to be a bit of a people pleaser.  This, of course, can be problematic sometimes.  For example, I recently went to a class where the instructor asked me if it had been overly difficult.  I said no as compared to other classes it wasn’t.  She, of course, was having a conversation with another classmate, also a friend, who was explaining how sometimes a break was needed from these classes.  Here I was in a full-on people pleasing, empathetic quandry.  I wanted to be honest but keep both individuals happy.  In my defense, it was early, for a Friday, and I hadn’t had my coffee yet.  In the end, I probably failed to be helpful and felt crappy for it.  But this is the circle I roll in.  I like being polite and having people be happy.  Most of the time I’m around others who feel this way as well, but on occasion, I find myself in a unique situation.  Take for instance a recent ride on BART.

For those not familiar with the Bay Area, BART stands for Bay Area Rapid Transit.  It is the way those of us in the East Bay get into San Francisco when we don’t want to drive.  On the occasion of this particular ride, my husband and I had gone into the city for a show.  It was late-ish, and the train was somewhat crowded.

When faced with such a situation, you look for the open seats.  BART in the evenings, and sometimes in the daytime, can come with a variety of individuals.  Most people are commuting for jobs, some are going into or coming from the city for entertainment as we were that evening.  There were a few seats open so my husband and I grabbed a pair.

Now, I try to be as openminded as I can in the liberal bastion that is the Bay Area, but I will freely admit to not wanting to sit next to someone who smells or may look like they want to be left alone.  On this evening, there was a pair of gentlemen who were in the set of four seats that face each other.  They were sitting diagonally across from each other so there were two other seats available.  I did not sit near them because, well, they had facial tattoos.  Now I don’t care what race you are, but if you have facial tattoos, I’m probably going to not sit near you.  Does this reflect poorly on my character?  Perhaps, but personally, I find those who have facial tattoos as individuals who maybe had some issues in their past.  I’m not anti-tattoo.  But face tattoos kinda cry “hi, I’m a gang member with a record who may or may not have anger issues”.  So yeah, we didn’t sit near these guys.  Others on the train stood or found seats elsewhere until we made it to one stop where a younger woman, got on and asked one of these individuals to remove their feet so she could sit in the seat across from him.  He did and she sat, but I guess felt that he was… looking at her funny?  She begins screaming at him about his face tattoos and they start yelling “bitch” back and forth to each other.  My husband and I are relatively close by.  The four women across from this threesome are looking at each other anxiously.  I think we were all waiting for weapons to come out.  As it continued though, something happened.  I actually was feeling bad for the face tattoo guy.  This woman was just yelling like she owned the place.  We finally came to a stop and what apparently was a third friend, gets off the train.  We hold at this station for a minute or two and the two other guys end up getting off as well.  Now we are left with the woman who starts telling us how she normally isn’t like that.  We all nod.  Sure…

I was happy to get off the train that night and happy that no weapons showed up, but seriously, if this had gone to court, I think I would be on face tattoo guys side.

Time, memory, and squirrels.

I used to get annoyed when people would say “where did the time go?” I mean time is fixed. In reality, it doesn’t speed up or slow down.  Admittedly when I was 7 and waiting for my March Birthday in February, that month would drag out.  Now of course that I have passed the half-century mark, I’m not as anxious to see those days fly by.  Once you have a kid, it seems time takes on a whole new form.  Mornings can go smoothly if you have a routine where everyone complies.  That of course rarely happens.  If you are a parent who works outside the home, you have a hard out so you have to clear out the house.  If you are a stay at home parent or you work from home, it can be easy to watch time compress in the morning while you are trying to hit deadlines.

I have always worked with lists of things to get done.  I like having a pre-loaded item on these lists too that I can easily scratch off in the morning.  Getting up and drinking coffee are a couple of favorites.  Unfortunately, as I get older I’m finding things showing up that aren’t on my list.  For example, today I received a phone call from an organization I apparently wanted more information from.  They have my name and phone number and I honestly don’t recall contacting them.  Certain calls you can scratch off as just fishing for money or info.  This one though, there is a possibility I reached out to them.  I just can’t remember.

Now in case you are wondering, no I do not drink.  Not anymore anyway.  So it wasn’t a good night gone awry.  I did lose some memory after giving birth.  I have the ability to remember the names of kids I went to school with 40+ years ago but if you ask me the name of that woman I see regularly at the gym or maybe the parent who I volunteer with, well there is a 50/50 shot I will remember his/her name.  I’ve decided that those people who asked “where the time went” were really onto something.  As you age, apparently there are hours and days that go missing.  When you have a child that is compounded.  If you are caring for an older parent or relative, you never seem to have enough for them.  Franklin/Covey did not explain where these rocks go.  I should be following them.  I should be able to catch up somehow.  Apparently not.  Clearly, those years I was chiding those who were asking the question were actual soothsayers who saw my future before I did.

I know I really don’t need another app or Google in my brain. That to me is just making things harder, not easier.  I know it won’t help me remember why I called that organization that was following up and it won’t help me remember the name of some fellow frazzled parent.  Honestly, there are days that I wonder how we ended up in this information overload.

So I go back to my lists.  If I follow them, I’ll get what I need to be done.  I must stop getting distracted.


Writing for others

I have found that a brain unused atrophies.  Mine needs to be used and challenged in some new ways.  Preferably in ways, I enjoy.

After a lovely vacation in Mendocino with family and friends, I’m back at it.  My job hunt has continued and now I’m entertaining having a side gig.  Not just writing for fun but hopefully writing for funding!  I’m looking to build on what I love and try to make some income.  A new friend suggested I work with her Web Development as her customers are always looking for content.  She has given me some guidance to hopefully do some side work.  If it grows into something bigger, all the better!  I am, however mildly terrified.  I have always felt more comfortable working for others, but since I haven’t developed in the areas I would like, or had the best managerial experience with my last manager, I thought it might be time to jump into the deep end.  If I don’t like the work there is only myself to blame!  If I want a different destiny I need to start creating it.

So over the next few weeks, I need to put together a marketing plan and business plan, which should prove interesting as I have never done this before.  But if millions of others of Americans can start their own business, why not me?  I like finding out what inspires people and to hopefully use my writing skills, I can apply that to companies who want to market themselves.  I’m particularly interested in creating narratives online that makes people curious and pursue these businesses.  We shall see what happens.  So if you know of someone looking to create an online presence or maybe just have someone put into words what their vision is, please consider reaching out!

Agreeing to disagree

Today I was asked what I write about.  This is always a hard question for me, though it shouldn’t be.  Is my blog a journal? God, I hope not.  I said I like to write about things going on in the world, but I like to keep it positive.  There is enough negativity in the world I don’t need to add to it.  I like to be part of the solution, not the problem, even though I have yet to find a cure for cancer or global warming.  You see I believe kindness needs a voice.  In a world where so many feel alone or angry, where being loud or vocal gets the attention, I want a place where I can quietly contemplate and hopefully start meaningful discussions.

Recently I’ve been off Facebook (though admittedly I’ve cheated by peeking occasionally).  But being off has given my brain a rest from the hamster wheel of information.  I still like seeing what friends are up to, but I don’t miss the one-sided political talk.  We as a nation have lost our ability, it would seem, to have a reasonable conversation.  I want to hear about things from those who I don’t agree with.  If I’m living in a vacuum of opinions that are only like mine, I wonder why things can’t be the way I would like them.  After all, the rest of the world apparently agrees with me, or so says my Facebook feed most of the time.  How do we fix that algorithm to improve the conversation?  Now I’m not going to say I’m suddenly going to agree with you, but maybe if we talk and compromise, we can come to a mutually agreeable solution.  What would be so wrong about that?

There are certain topics of course that seem to polarize.  Abortion springs to mind.  But just as not everyone agrees, most agree we should have less and perhaps that is the starting point.  Instead of people getting upset about guns being taken away, maybe we could agree that assault rifles aren’t something that everyone needs access to.  I’m not a fan of guns in general, but hey, if someone wants to hunt for sport and dinner, well I suppose I could live with that.  I suspect those who do hunt aren’t doing it with AR15s.  But maybe we could start a conversation.  Find the things we have in common.  You like nature, I like nature.  You have kids, I have kids.  Maybe we could start there? Feel free to join the conversation.  Just do so courteously.  That is all I ask.  You don’t have to agree.  We can always agree to disagree after all.