Lots of spam

See what happens when I neglect this site? I have over 2000 pieces of spam in a week. I just delet

ed everything and am going to have my dear webmaster set up something to hopefully assist in limiting the spam. I’m a bit rusty on my web support so he is helping out. Thank goodness.

Nothing particularly new. Masking, working, trying to stay healthy. Eating up a storm in my typical stress way. The holidays triggered that and now post New Years I haven’t quite stopped yet. Hoping to get back to my cleaner eating soon. Have started making coffee at home so that is good, but I’ve been sad. Just the last two year, my Mom not great, my Aunt winding down. Work is okay. I should be looking for a new job but I kind of just want things with my Mom and Aunt to wrap up first. I have the time that I can take for FMLA which starting new somewhere else I wouldn’t have.

Work is hard because there is so much concern around money. I really dislike all the talk of money but it is very necessary for businesses, including schools, to keep going forward. I do understand that, but it does get tiresome. I would much prefer creating, but I don’t think this is the medium for me. I think part of me feels too old and a bit discouraged. I need to find something that gives me joy again. An activity that I can nurture.

Not the most interesting post, but here it is. Maybe the post should be spam. Garbage in garbage out, or so I’ve been told.

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