
Hi all. I’m happy to say that as of March 26th I am fully vaccinated! Whoo hoo! I did have many side effects, but two days later I’m back to normal. I feel truly blessed to have received the vaccine. As you know if you have followed me, I work at a small liberal arts college and was able to get the vaccine when the state opened it up to those in education at the end of February. Now I just have to wait for it to become available for my daughter and then my little family will be much safer.

This past year has been a challenge. I miss seeing many people but I’m grateful that most I know have been playing it safe. Some have travelled out of the country or even out of state for “fun”. It is their life, but I know with the upcoming Spring Break there are some who are looking to do this again. I do hope that those traveling out of state quarantine on their return, especially if they have kiddos in my daughter’s class. I suspect they may feel entitled that they haven’t done anything wrong and under normal circumstances I would agree. But I would also say, wait until your summer when you won’t be making the decision for other families and will just be doing so for your own.

This pandemic has truly shown me how people prioritize. I don’t deny not travelling to say Hawaii for Spring Break is kind of a bummer, but there are so many other places within our home state that are just as beautiful and worth a visit. Of course we shall see. Whatever happens, I hope no one gets ill. And even if they don’t that doesn’t just make it okay.

In the meantime, stay well, keep your family safe and remember who you come in contact with these days can affect more than just you.

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