
So currently I am working from home along with my husband and my 10 year old daughter who is doing school from home. When this all started with our daughter being home full time I still had to go into work. The college I work for had been deemed “essential”. The office I support handles billing and receivables and all the sorts of activities that still have to go on even when the school has classes remotely. I had been very anxious at work so when my boss said I could work from home I was extremely grateful. With all this fear in the world, the last thing I wanted to be separated from was my family. There are some things that I do need to do in person so I will go into the office once a week for as limited a time as I can. Fortunately my office is set up that I naturally keep a pretty healthy distance from everyone.

The other thing that has changed is that my gym closed. Now if you took a look at me you would not say, “Wow, she works out!”. No sadly I do work out but I also stress eat and as my coaches have told me you can not out exercise a bad diet. Still exercise has been a great mental outlet for me. My gym has moved to offering online classes but I have yet to take full advantage of them. I instead have started the “Couch to 5K” app. I run 3 days a week in building up to a 5K. While I don’t necessarily need to run a 5K, I do need to build up my endurance. Running is something that I have a love/hate relationship with. I currently hate that I have to do it, but love how I feel afterward. Living in my hamster wheel brain is not great either so the running gives me some control over things. It also gets me outside. I like to do my run at 7 AM before lots of people are outside. I figure less people see me and I see less people. I like to exercise before I eat as I find doing it after, does not usually end well. It is great to run around my neighborhood too. Over the weekend lots of people put messages out in chalk. Seeing them while running today really gave me a bit of hope.

2 thoughts on “Adjustments”

  1. I have to agree running is a love hate relationship, but as you said you do feel so much better afterwards and I get the junk out of my head. I, too, am concerned about working and bringing something home. Working in a hospital is enough to give me a full on panic attack!!!

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