Resolutions and or goals for 2018 and beyond

So many this time of year make New Year resolutions, often starting with losing weight.  While that would probably be a good idea for me, I find resolutions, not something that actually motivates me to move forward.  I tend to bail on them around January 5th.  Still, I find it good to have a few goals to always be striving for.  This year I’m going to work on just being a bit more understanding.  Sometimes the best way to do this is to keep my mouth shut.  Not always one of my stronger attributes I might add but I found it very helpful during the holiday season whilst visiting family back East.  I didn’t talk politics and tried to ignore the occasional comment about it as I knew where the conversation would head.  I wanted a friendly family Christmas this year, and talking politics I knew for me, would not be friendly.  So I kept my mouth shut.  I will admit to one cry for help from a group of like-minded women online when a cousin was given a certain bobblehead of the current president whilst wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat that had a lovely camouflage background.  But the individual ended up putting the items away after a short while noting it hadn’t caused me to raise a ruckus.

So resolutions and or goals for 2018. Well, I want to not aid and abet in the polarization of my country.  I want to be part of a solution and not a problem.  I want to find a job that I enjoy and motivates me to improve myself and others.  I’d like to eat more healthily and if that leads me to lose weight, awesome.  I don’t want to obsess about it though.  Obsession is never a good thing.  I want to learn new things.  I’m always most happy when I’m learning and putting what I learn into action.  I’d like to improve my writing and get more feedback about it, preferably positive, but I’ll take constructive criticism at least.  I’d like to meditate and pray more.  I want to continue to find time for quiet contemplation.  My mind gets CrAzY when I’m around too much noise.  I would really like to find a mentor who understands how to teach and impart wisdom.  I want to find a better softer way supporting my husband and daughter to be the best they can be especially since they give that back to me on a daily basis by just agreeing to continue living with me.  I want to grow kindness and patience.  I know a lot of this requires listening and not talking.  I hope I will be successful. If not, I hope I at least continue to try, even after January 5th.

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