Been long time…

Finally getting back to writing after a drought.  I had started working in October at my daughter’s school as an aide for the 5th grade.  I loved the work, but I think one makes more money in fast food so I needed to find something that paid a bit better.  The day after I accepted the job I got a call from a local liberal arts college about a position I had applied for.  Two weeks after starting at my daughter’s school I was starting another new job.

Having not worked for two years, it has taken a while to get back into the groove.  The job at her school was a good transition to getting back to a 40 hour work week.  I truly love my new job.  It is with a small Catholic college in a Liberal area.  I’m getting used to saying prayers at meetings, which having worked in the San Francisco Bay Area, is something I have NEVER done.  It is nice though.  The environment is supportive.  I suppose it helps that I’m Catholic but I see other faiths embraced as well.

So now that I’ve been at this job for two months, survived the holidays, and am feeling a bit more organized, I’m finding myself missing a few things.  Time for myself is number 1.  My husband is a huge help in getting our daughter to and from school.  He is able to work from home 3 of the 5 weekdays and handles pick up and drop off on those days.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days.  Of course, I generally make lunches and dinner while he is good about making beds and cleaning around the house.  I’m very fortunate that way.

Still, I try to work out during the week.  The only time I can swing that is 5:00 AM which means I get up at 4:30 AM.  Going from exercising at 9:00 AM to 5:00 AM has been challenging.  I get to work out 2-3 times during the week currently, but would like to get that up to 3-4.  When I wasn’t working I was going 5-6 times a week.  I figure if I can work out on Saturdays and 3-4 times during a regular week I’m in good shape.  But I have to get my sleep. I do like to sleep though, but to make these workouts I try to be in bed by 9:00 PM. One day recently I had too much caffeine and wasn’t able to sleep at all.  I had planned to work out, then when I realized I wasn’t falling asleep canceled my workout at midnight.  At 4:00 AM when I realized I still hadn’t slept I decided to work out anyway. Afterward, I had a quick shower, breakfast and 45-minute nap before I ran out to work that morning.  Not really sure how I managed to get through the day but that night, I slept like a baby.  This is why I have to stay away from caffeine.

So now we have a new year which always gives me a chance to reflect.  I’ve had many close to me lose loved ones in the last couple of months.  A mother, a husband, a father.  It has made me reflect on the many blessings I have in my own life.  My family, my friends, my new job, even the support at the amazing gym I belong to. I want to do things to encourage and support this joy in my life.  I need to carve out time like I have today, to write, read, and recharge.  I find I’m quite the introvert and do my best recharging alone.  I have a hard time reaching out but am taking steps in the new year to do that with certain things in my life.  I may write about them and I may not.  Time will tell.  But I do see the many blessings I have.  I am grateful for all of them and hope to share more in the coming months.

I hope 2019 is a better year for all.  I hope our country looks to be more compassionate to those trying to make a new life as it has in the past.  I hope those in leadership positions will find wisdom and embrace empathy.  I hope I can be part of the solution in this world to spread that empathy and wisdom.

Enjoy the journey.  Love and be loved.  Find your bliss.  Peace.